--system use D-Bus system bus to connect to init daemon --dest=NAME destination well-known name on system bus -q, --quiet reduce output to errors only -v, --verbose increase output to include informational messages
Job commands
start Start job. stop Stop job. restart Restart job. reload Send HUP signal to job. status Query status of job. list List known jobs.
Event commands
emit Emit an event.
Other commands
reload-configuration Reload the configuration of the init daemon. version Request the version of the init daemon. log-priority Change the minimum priority of log messages from the init daemon usage Show job usage message if available. help display list of commands
# initctl list
rc stop/waiting
tty (/dev/tty3) start/running, process 1483
tty (/dev/tty2) start/running, process 1481
tty (/dev/tty1) start/running, process 1479
plymouth-shutdown stop/waiting
control-alt-delete stop/waiting
rcS-emergency stop/waiting
readahead-collector stop/waiting
kexec-disable stop/waiting
quit-plymouth stop/waiting
rcS stop/waiting
prefdm stop/waiting
init-system-dbus stop/waiting
readahead stop/waiting
splash-manager stop/waiting
start-ttys stop/waiting
readahead-disable-services stop/waiting
rcS-sulogin stop/waiting
serial stop/waiting